Wholesale Application

Apply for your wholesale account

Business Information

Please use the name of the individual responsible for making the purchase for this business. Use any alternative information at checkout in the shipping section.
The best way for us to get in touch with the individual who pays the bills.
The business as it appears on your FEIN or if you are operating as a DBA, provide both (ie: John Smith Inc. DBA Foxy Smoke Shop)
Employer Identification Number / Tax ID. This must be able to be looked up and verified. If it is not active, we cannot approve the account.
Licenses You Have(Required)
Upload your business licenses that are applicable to your store. When inspected, Utoya Group LLC is required to show a record of all we do business with and prove they are in good legal standing. Screenshots are acceptable so long as they are legible.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Type of Business Conducted(Required)
    Billing Address(Required)
    The address that you use for your bank/credit card/debit card.
    Shipping Address(Required)
    The address that you want Utoya to ship too
    Who helped you? If nobody, select None.
    Please enter sample types you are interested in. If none, enter N/A.

    Create Your Log-In Credentials

    Create your username and password for logging in.
    Strength indicator
    How did you hear about us? If multiple sources, identify the one that made the best impression for you.
    Clear Signature
    This signature authorizes this form as complete, accurate, and true. The signature further certifies that this form does not contain information that belongs to someone else without their express written consent and knowledge of activities and business conducted between themselves and Utoya Group LLC.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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